Computer things

Some pages, notes and links about computers/programs.

batching Automate the running of batches of many jobs on multiple processors and computers.
bibauto Bibilography automation: Bibtex, own styles, own many-file database, label format, collaboration.
comp_serv Old pages about `Computation Servers' that I ran; perhaps some useful ideas or links.
http_upload A simple Perl CGI script for allowing file-uploads on a webpage.
join_map Joining lots of part-images into one, with particular interest for making big maps from aerial photos.
jottings Plain-text notes on various computer matters, retained as reminders.
konqueror_squid Konqueror's stalling on download turns out to depend on use of a proxy.
kprinter Description of a KDE (Qt) bug with `print to postscript' or `print to PDF'.
labimgcomp About compression of large numbers of images (written for colleagues).
latex2msword How to write papers in a tolerable format even when forced to submit in a ludicrous one.
latexhbox A little study of the effect of textwidth and typeface on overfull hboxes.
links Links to computer-related sites.
matlab A list of gripes against the program `matlab', especially about the unix versions of the 2001--2006 era. . Started sometime in 2003, with input from colleagues. Largely unchanged for. a couple of years up to 2008. . .
multi_boot Notes on solving problems of installing several different systems for multi-boot in Grub.
notes Plain-text notes on various computer matters, retained as reminders.
ocr OCR (optical character recognition: image to text) with Tesseract.
oddhints A page to list quick problems with whatever solution I think I found, if I didn't find it really easily on the web.
portsage The wonders of `ports' (FreeBSD) and `portage' (Gentoo): big software collections.
raidsh RAID in software (OS) and hardware (a controller); comments and comparison.
spreadsheets The inappropriateness of `spreadsheets' for most technical (or other?) applications.
tagging_jpegs Use Konqueror actions to add tags to selected groups of JPEG images.
video_compression Really high quality video at modest filesizes is possible, with multiple video/audio/subtitle tracks in one file: it's worth using.
wordproc2latex Conversion of word-processor files into Latex: OpenOffice is better than alternatives.

Page started: 2008-08-18
Last change: 2011-08-22