A constructive complaint about Matlab useability, sent January 2007

See also the main matlab page of this site, for parallel pages.

Most of the bugs cited here are to do with user-interaction, ease of use, figures, printing, and setup, rather than with any problem in the core routines or documentation. As various colleagues have remarked in different ways, "it's what you'd get if you got mathematicians to write software: good concise documentation, clever functions, etc., but sometimes ghastly user-interface". Note too that our use has been almost entirely of core matlab and a bit of simulink, rather than of the more exotic capabilities of stateflow, toolboxes, etc.


  • There are / have been bugs, often UI related, that are very annoying and that don't at all soon get fixed in spite of being reported.
  • One would expect that by having (thoughtful) people actually try using the software, many UI frustrations would be able to be removed quickly.
  • Some occasions with emails to support@ or bugs@ have felt like the TV-series "Yes Minister" in which a series of tactics is used to avoid accepting a problem, e.g.: "it's a java problem, we can't help", "oh, ok, comsol does it fine in java -- then it's an X11/Linux thing where your kernel/glibc/X is unsupported -- you never know what that might cause", "alright, you say it's the same when you've wasted two hours to try it on supported versions -- use this work-around"....
  • It's credible that some of the bugs are specific to linux or general unix operating systems, else it's even more bizarre that they persist uncorrected.
  • Perhaps the OS bias is in part due to the "fix it oneself" attitude credibly more common among users of linux/solaris?
  • Perhaps the OS bias is in part due to mathwork's own employees using just one system for their day-to-day use, and if more of them used linux or solaris (and actually were experienced in "normal" use of these systems so as to know what is expected behaviour) they'd find and deal with bugs?


  • Although still rather UI-lethargic, R2006b certainly improves several former troubles such as printing figures -- unusually quick improvement.
  • In the last six or twelve months, more attention has been given to a few bugs I've reported: I've no evidence that they'll be fixed at all soon, but at least the people I've dealt with have recognised bugs and been helpful, rather than avoiding the problem.
  • If there really is a lot more attention to detail, now that some large users (e.g. Toyota) are demanding it, that's very good. But there are the worries that UI matters will be slowly dealt with, even in the basic matlab environment, or that the focus will be on the UI for ms-windows.


    A strong usability drive, including mathworks employees using all supported OSs, and training these people to think always of "could this be annoying?", "could this be better(easier)", and "is this the expected behaviour within this OS, compared to other common applications?"

    List of actual problems, as examples

    Now follows quite a list, if possible with original "Thread" codes, of big and little problems, some of them fixed (generally after several half-yearly releases) in case you're interested in some basis for my complaints. I'd be delighted if the new interest in improving the program does result in this sort of annoyance being removed.

    mcc broken -- uses wrong gcc options

    [THREAD ID:1-147AUY] At least for early 7.x releases, mcc didn't work.
    It was necessary to include an extra option, since mcc was trying to link a C++ library from the C compiler. That the old behaviour of assuming the necessary options, was going to stop had apparently been warned by GCC developers for years, e.g. http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2004-04/msg01041.html. What really annoyed me here, when I reported the problem, was how it was regarded as quite reaonable and natural that each user should have the problem and search for a fix, rather than that matlab should just be changed immediately to have the correct options added when calling gcc.

    uigetfile() "Multiselect" "on"

    Using the uigetfile function in linux (unix generally, I assume) with the Multiselect option turned on, there are errors so that when selecting files the chooser ends up denying that they exist, even after showing them and letting them be selected. There's a "work-around" that one discovers a few hours later: setappdata(0,'UseNativeSystemDialogs',false). It would have been better to have fixed the problem or to have set the working chooser to be the default.

    Keyboard crashes

    [Case ID: 1383734]. Switching keyboard layout (X11, linux) in earlier versions, 6.x, caused the entire Matlab GUI to crash. This took a while for me to identify as I often changed keyboard for an email then came back to a dead matlab session. It was only fixed in v7 from what I remember.

    dot-files (hidden files)

    [THREAD ID:1-38300I] Subject: Hidden (dot) files.
    Unix convention is that filenames starting with a dot are hidden in the shell and in most file-managers. The home directory generally contains tens or _hundreds_ of dot-files and directories of configuration for various programs, e.g. matlab's own ~/.matlab/ directory. Matlab still starts by default in ~/ (home) and has no way to avoid showing dot-files in the "Current Directory" window. The "Current Directory" therefore has to be scrolled several lengths just to see any of the useful files. To avoid the problem, I always start matlab in another directory, but it would be nice if it were to behave like pretty well any other program and hide hidden files by default.

    Too "single threaded"

    It's rather annoying that for example clicking on a figure file or m-file in the Current Directory sub-window while running some calculation in the command window, doesn't allow the requested action to be taken until the running command stops. It's surely possible to program matlab to allow the user to do other things with the desktop while something is running. That would be much more efficient with time. Indeed, a means of backgrounding a process, as in any unix shell, would be extremely handy. Forking new processes is easy...

    No SMP!

    A general annoyance: we have multi-CPU machines, and other programs e.g. Scilab using blas-atlas and lapack, can be compiled with support for SMP in matrix operations, which has often increased speed considerably. Matlab has no capability for SMP, but only for an add-on toolbox that splits tasks between processors (i.e. not useful for increasing speed of single data-intensive operations). Mathematica, I gather, has now good SMP support. We have many applications where increased speed is desired without there being an easy way to do primitive (distributed) splitting of isolated tasks: only proper SMP support will help. Addendum: there has been some such support, since about mid-2007

    CPU hogging

    [THREAD ID:1-11SADO] Subject: Matlab 7 process interruption and waiting.
    I have many scripts where the "input" function is used in a loop, to get a number or string from the user then do some sort of calculation or plotting. Most of the (real) time in such scripts is taken on input() waiting for the input data and . Since, I think it was, v7.0, matlab has used all available CPU while waiting on input(). It used not to do this. This is annoying because it makes a computer get hot so that the fan makes more noise, and because if other programs are trying to do something they will be slower as they then share the CPU with Matlab which is trying to use it all. The support I got (partly copied below) is neither true (about "yielding" rather than sharing, or the need for high CPU use while waiting), nor is it helpful: > The fact that MATLAB is in 'input' mode doesn't mean that MATLAB isn't > doing anything. It is still checking the message queue in order to process > things such as Window painting messages, or keyboard events, such as > Control+C used to interrupt a computation, etc. > So, MATLAB will use all the CPU's power if another process is not asking > for CPU time. If another process asks for CPU time MATLAB will yield. > This is usually the case when on a multi-tasking operating systems.

    printing figures

    [THREAD ID:1-2UUX7G] Subject: Printing problem in new version.
    In earlier versions, 6.x, the printing dialogue was not nice but it worked. The "not nice" was that I seem to remember that there was no (at all obvious) way to save one's settings for the print dialogue. Somewhere around 7.0 or 7.1 the linux version ended up always printing figures so they came out much too big, with the bottom left corner around the middle of the page and much of the figure missing. I could only solve this (after using support and spending hours going up and down the corridor to collect bodged print-outs) by avoiding altogether the UI print, and using always the "print" command. But, since R2006b (or perhaps even a) the printing has worked again. As usual, the question arises, would such an inconvenience have persisted so long in the ms-windows version?

    [THREAD ID:1-158J5M] Subject: tilde (~) character on Swedish keyboard (using X11 on linux).
    First, in versions around 6.5, trying to make this character caused a freeze of matlab. Then in 7.0 it was just not possible to make this character with the normal Swedish keyboard in linux-based systems. ~ is needed, amongst other things, for logical negation.

    Old problem of overwriting figure files with eps or other format.

    [Service Request # 1-RVW3O]
    If a figure had been saved as, e.g. type eps or png, using the GUI controls, then if in the same matlab session another figure (in .fig) format, was opened and subsequently modified then saved with the "Save" icon button, then it would be saved in the last used (e.g. eps or png) format, but into the *.fig filename that was opened... Utterly undesirable behaviour, with no way of retrieving the modifiable .fig file. This bug persisted for several releases in spite of loud complaints.

    Figure save dialogue

    (this was mentioned in the earlier email, but you correctly point out that the latest release is not as severely bad).

    me: Figure save dialogue still awful: if one types 'save as' then modifies a filename to .eps instead of .fig then changes the type to 'EPS', one hardly expects the name to be automatically changed back to .fig. Look at almost ANY other program (e.g. xfig) for the obvious RIGHT way to do it: changing the type changes the extension to the appropriate one and preserves the basename!
    support: We have not been able to reproduce this problem in our latest release R2006B. We tried both Linux and WinXP platform but it appears to work as expected, i.e. not change the filename extension back when you change the filetype.

    Yes, I see this is the case. The behaviour I described is true for version 7.1 sp3 and some previous ones. But the "still awful" comment does apply to R2006b:

    Consider a "does what the user wants" program, e.g. Xfig (at least as regards figure save and export). Save an (xfig) figure as "name.fig". If you type just "name" it will show you that it's changing this to "name.fig". If you then try "export as eps" or as any other of the many possible formats, it will automatically fill in "name.eps" or whatever extension is appropriate, in the same directory as the "name.fig". If one saves as a figure file again, it gets this right too. So -- just fill in the name once, then every other time you want to save or export it's necessary only to click "OK" unless (unusually) wanting a different name. That strikes me as pretty basic and sensible. It's seldom wrong, and it's similar indeed to many word-processors, image-editors etc.

    Now consider matlab R2006b (linux, at least). Save a figure as "name.fig". Then try "save as". Initially, the dialogue comes up as "save as type = matlab figure" and the name is still "name.fig" (which is fine). Change the "save as type" to, for example, EPS. What happens to the name? It disappears! Or, try changing the name to "name.eps" first, then selecting the type -- it still disappears. Compare to the helpful behaviour of Xfig.

    Not very important, you might think, but after recently writing a work with about 40 matlab and 20 xfig figures, each of which needed quite a few re-openings and re-saving as both fig and eps, and each of which had a much longer name than just "name.*", I really noticed the difference. Of course, one gets in the habit of first copying the name up to the dot, then pasting this in the blank space and adding the extension; but this is the sort of thing one would expect to have to do for a beta-release of some little-used program by a part-time programmer, not a very expensive and widely used thing like matlab! What's going on?

    Note that I have setappdata(0,'UseNativeSystemDialogs',false) in my startup.m file, as this is needed to avoid another bug. I think the same behaviour occurs without this.

    Subject: Matlab doesn't cope with symlinks

    [THREAD ID:1-14PCJH]. A symbolic link in a POSIX system is a file that points to another file (including possibly a directory or other symlink). System-calls and most programs (sensibly written to use the system's functions for handling links) simply read a link to a file/directory as if it were that file/directory, and if asked to delete a link they delete the link... In matlab 7.0 deleting a link to a directory deleted that whole directory, which is pretty well guaranteed as _not_ what is wanted (and also not something that any other program of my experience would do). Seems ok now, but why wasn't it ever thought of or tried?

    Subject: java memory problems.

    [THREAD ID:1-37RH87]. I've recently reported that matlab's JVM tries to reserve loads of memory (>1GB) on AMD 64-bit systems, and if it can't do this (e.g. because of "user-limits" on memory) then the startup just has a java-crash. This is very silly behaviour: checking for limits, or trying to reserve less until it works, would be more helpful. It took a long time until I found the underlying problem; until then I was just puzzled by why the program simply crashed on start-up every time. Good attention was given by support, who have "passed it on" to development, but it's not very good that it happened (as usual, just when I needed to work!).

    Subject: figure save: HDF5

    [THREAD ID:1-389FGH]. Again, in the latest version, I noticed that previously small (10 - 20 KB) figure files were becoming enormous -- several MB -- after a few edit-save cycles. It turns out this is a consequence of use of HDF5 MAT-file format. This was well dealt with by support, and accepted as some sort of problem. One wonders: a) Why was this not thought of / noticed before; b) Why can one not select the figure data and general MAT-file formats separately, so that advantages of HDF5 can be used where they're really needed, in large data files rather than just a figure?

    Page started: 2007-01-27
    Last change: 2008-12-07