Electric Power

Electric Power (as opposed to e.g. communications), from small appliances up to grids. See also general Energy links.

appliance_power Power consumption of some domestic loads in various states.
gb_ng_par Links to, and a summary of, the publicly available network data of the GB transmission system (`National Grid').
history Matters of history of electrical power.
it_power Current and power consumption of several computers and monitors in various states of operation. .
le_lamps Current waveforms and power consumption of some `low energy' (compact fluorescent) lamps.
links Links to Electric Power related sites.
lspmsm_msc Line-start permanent magnet synchronous machines: their effects on networks (MSc thesis). .
rcd residual current devices (RCDs): operation, types, troubles, tests. .
vstab_ic A never-finished report about power system components' effect on voltage stability.

Page started: 2008-08-17
Last change: 2020-03-13