System Data: GB Electricity networks

Many a student/researcher/enthusiast of Electric Power Systems must have wanted to get hold of `real' system data, either just to get a grasp of typical parameters, or to use the system as input for testing a calculation.

It is common to make this sort of data hard to acquire, so that even for project collaboration (e.g. company/university) there is difficulty in publishing the data.

However, some mixture of regulatory requirement and common sense appears to have caused UK network operators to publish, openly on the web, quite a lot of detail of network parameters, connectivity and loading.

( An aside: I see not the slightest reason to believe that full disclosure of the position, connectivity, rating, typical flow, generators, etc. would significantly encourage someone to perform some `attack' when there already exists plenty of information from maps, observation and approximate calculation of parameters. Nor is it very plausible that these details are truly commercially sensitive. But in the current climate of being scared about every sort of possible risk, responsibility for disclosure, and so on, it's unusual to see common sense prevail! There are other countries with much less openness. )


TSO (transmission system operator: the transmission system is the high-voltage, meshed system linking across the whole country, at 275 and 400 kV in the UK). The main source of transmission system data is the Seven Year Statements (SYS) of National Grid: see the Transmission data and links page.


DNO (distribution network operator: the networks between the transmission system and most of the connected loads, even down to the "low voltage" domestic customers). The sources of distribution system data are more! There are ten or so areas: see the Distribution system links page.

[an error occurred while processing this directive] Page started: 2008-10-06
Last change: 2023-07-29